Jeffco Connections
A Colorado Collaborative Management Program Site
Jeffco Connections
Jeffco Connections serves as Jefferson County's Collaborative Management Program (CMP) and serves hundreds of children, youth and their families on an annual basis. Jeffco Connections provides a space for collaborative camaraderie to manifest itself into meaningful initiatives and programs that benefit the most vulnerable members of our community.
The collaborative partnership that is Jeffco Connections, is made up of 26 private and public entities, committed to better the lives of those we come in contact with. For more information please click here.
Jeffco Connections
Participate in one of Jefferson County's
Community Budget Forums

According to the CDC, four key elements to healthy coping include: making time to unwind, taking care of your body, connecting with others, and finding ways to calm stress and anxiety. Ask your teen open ended questions like: How can I be there for you? What makes you hopeful about the future? www.twelvetalks.com/mental-health
2023 Board Meetings
Feb 10- 7:30AM-9:30AM
*April 14- 7:30AM- 9:30AM
June 9- 7:30AM- 9:30AM
*Aug 11- 7:30AM- 9:30AM
Oct 13- 7:30AM-9:30AM
*Dec 8- 7:30AM-9:00AM
Subcommittee Meetings
Child Welfare Subcommittee- every 1st Tuesday
Human Trafficking MDT- every 4th Tuesday
Education & Juvenile Justice Combined Subcommittee- every 3rd Thursday
Health/ Mental Health Subcommittee- every 4th Thursday from 1pm to 2pm
*Meeting to be held in person with a hybrid option
Upcoming Events
Please email ljones@co.jefferson.co.us if you have an event to add. All meetings are open to the community and new members are always welcome!
ALL meetings are held by phone/Teams for the time being. Teams links are added to this list as they are scheduled. We anticipate continuing to hold a combination of virtual and hybrid meetings.
* Child Welfare - The next meeting is
scheduled for Tuesday, April 4, 2023 from 1:00pm until 2:00pm. Click here to join the meeting or call 408-418-9388 to join by phone at +1 970-773-5375,,611312332#
* Jeffco Connections Full IOG Meeting - The
next meeting is scheduled for Friday, April 14, 2022, from 7:30am until 9:30am This meeting will be in person at Community First Foundation.
* Heading Home - The next meeting is
scheduled for March 21, 2023, from 9:00am until 10:30am. Click here to join the meeting. Please contact Kat Douglas for more information about current workgroups.
* Human Trafficking - The next meeting is
scheduled for Wednesday, April 19, 2023, from 11:00am until noon. This meeting will be held at Porchlight Family Justice Center.
Human Trafficking 101 continues to be offered virtually with a live trainer or through the recorded training on the state Trafficking site. For more information, please contact Lindsey Jones.
* Education and Juvenile Justice - Has moved
to a combined meeting schedule. The next meeting is scheduled for April 20, 2023, from 9:30am to 10:30am. Click here to join the meeting or call +1 970-773-5375,,723098193#
* Prevention (Communities That Care) - Please
contact Sasha Hutchings for the virtual link.